Bootstrapping a compiler from scratch
Technologies: arm assembly (GNU flavored)
Links: GitHubDocs

First, a compiler for a simple programming language is written using assembly. Using that, a compiler is written for a C-like language that includes features such as strong type checking, pointers (and all the pointer math) and user defined structures.

The compiler targets arm systems (originally a Raspberry pi 2B), running GNU/Linux.

See more info in the docs.

Technologies: CSSHTMLjs
Links: GitHub

Chromium browser extension that works together with DiscordCSS and allows for easy customization and theme building.

Technologies: CSSGithub CI/CD
Links: GitHub

A collection of CSS stylesheets that improve discord’s default theming and/or layout. GitHub actions to check for updates in Discord’s stylesheet.

Technologies: C++OpenCVGitHub actionsnode.jspython
Links: GitHub

Dead by Daylight overlay that allows searching for perks by name or character.

Technologies: C#
Links: GitHub

Plugin for the Hearthstone Deck Tracker, used to export current deck into a file.

Original usecase was for streamers to setup a bot command to automatically send the current deck’s code.

Otzdarva recommended killer builds
Technologies: HTMLJSCSSnode.jshandlebarsGitHub actions

Static webpage that is generated from Otzdarva’s killer builds spreadsheet.

Image links, names and descriptions are scraped from the Dead by Daylight wiki.

Everything is integrated via GitHub actions and hosted on GitHub pages (link).

Technologies: Unity (C#)
Links: GitHub

Unreleased Risk of rain 2 mod from back when Bandit was first released.

Allowed you to keep a portion (or more :D ) of the stackable tokens on the desperado ability.

Web portal
Technologies: CSSHTMLjsAstro
Links: Website

Interactive webpage that emulates a computer desktop look and feel. Imitation of the Payday 2 FBI files.

Doubles as my portfolio site.