
p1 language definition



  • boolean (true, false)
  • integer (values 0..2^31-1 without leading zeroes)
  • character (one ascii 32..126) enclosed in ”. ’ literal must be escaped.
  • string (any ascii 32..126) enclosed in "". ” literal must be escaped.
  • pointer (null)

int, char, bool, void, if, else, while, return, struct, sizeof

[A-Za-z0-9_]+ that doesnt start with a digit, is not keyword


  • anything that starts with //, lasts till end of line
  • anything that starts with /*, lasts till */


{ } denotes 0 or more occurences of enclosed tokens, while [ ] denotes 0 or 1 occurence.

prg -> { vardecl | typedecl | fundecl }

vardecl -> type identifier [ = const ] ;
typedecl -> struct identifier { { param ; } }
fundecl -> type identifier ( [ param { , param } ] ) ;
fundecl -> type identifier ( [ param { , param } ] ) { { stmt } }

param -> type identifier

type -> void | char | int | bool
type -> identifier
type -> type [ const ]
type -> type *

stmt -> expr ;
stmt -> expr ( = | += | -= | /= | *= ) expr ;
stmt -> if ( expr ) ( stmt | { { stmt } } ) [ else ( stmt | { { stmt } } ) ]
stmt -> while ( expr ) ( stmt | { { stmt } } )

the complications above (in the if and while clauses) are because there doesnt exist a production ‘stmt -> { { stmt } }

stmt -> return [ expr ] ;
stmt -> vardecl
stmt -> typedecl

expr -> const
expr -> identifier
expr -> identifier ( [ expr { , expr } ] )
expr -> ( expr )
expr -> expr ( & | | | && | || | == | != | < | > | <= | >= | * | / | % | + | - | ^ | ~ ) expr
expr -> ( ! | + | - | & | * | ++ | | ~ | ( type ) ) expr
expr -> expr ( [ expr ] | ++ | | . identifier | -> identifier )
expr -> sizeof ( type )

Change log

[22/11/2024] MrTipson: Initial post